Friday, June 12, 2020

Relics from 2020

It's feels anachronistic to be talking about "relics" from 2020, as that's this year. Anyway, here are two relic cards from Topps' 2020 flagship series.

A few posts back I showed the latest 'retro' card that Topps have put out.

Here's the relic version.

Card Number 96: Topps 1985 Insert Series Relics, 2020; #85R-TG

It's a dark blue swatch, although it looks black in the scan. It's probably from a road uniform. The back stipulates that it's not from any particular game, event or season.

At least the cardback screams CONGRATULATIONS! to make you feel a little bit special. I acquired this card from Ian in the Baseball Cards UK Facebook group.

Card Number 97: Topps Rookie Retrospective Medallions, 2020; #RCR-TG
Topps didn't use 'rookie card' logos back when Tony first appeared on a card. Now, 37 years later, they have decided to fix that oversight by printing a super-thick foamboard card and inserting a metal stud into it.

The printing on the card is actually that fuzzy. I think it's because it's printed on foamboard rather than card stock. These cards come in the 'Blaster Box' that Topps sell with 7 packs and one of these cards in each box, although I got mine off eBay. There are 50 players honoured in the set and the cards all have parallel versions at different levels of availability.

The back is particularly dull. There isn't even an exclamation mark after the word 'congratulations'.

These medallions are classed as "manufactured relics" and are totally a novelty item. Still, something a bit different, and technically I have another rookie card.

Total: 97/394

1 comment:

  1. I just purchased both of these relics for my collection as well. I've wanted both since I first saw them, but prices were a little crazy. I finally added the rc medallion last week in a lot off of eBay. The Gwynn jersey card probably won't reach me until later in 2020, since it's sitting in my COMC inventory. Picked that card up last week as well.
