Thursday, November 5, 2020

Scanning Nightmares - MLPD

Of all the cards I would dub a 'scanning nightmare', this is the most nightmarish of all. Perhaps I should have posted it on Halloween a few days ago, but I went for treats instead of tricks!

So, what makes this such a nightmare? Well, it's foil. Not only that, it's bronze foil (looks brown in most lights). It's quite an ugly card in hand as well. 

Card Number 460: Skybox Metal Universe, 1999; #283

There were actually three Tony Gwynn cards in this set as Tony featured in two themes within the set as well. MLPD stood for Major League Prominent and Dominant, apparently. 

This is how is scans

I've taken a photo so show what it looks like in unscanned form. 

And if that's not enough, there's a write-up on the back that is downright whacky.

Whoever wrote the cardback copy for Skybox has a bit of a bro-dude attitude going on. (Also in evidence on the Spring Training card). I'm going to add "pure-n-easy hitter" to my list of unique ways that Tony is described on the back of a baseball card. But the way it starts sets my teeth on edge.

This might seem mean, but when people list the card companies they would like to see make a return to the baseball hobby, they never seem to mention Skybox. Cards like this are part of the reason why.

Total: 460 cards 


  1. Thanks for stating what MLPD stands for, because I never knew. And not exactly sure what to make of the write up, but at least it's another card for the Gwynn PC.
