This was an eBay purchase that arrived in the first few days of 2022.
Card Number 911: Allen & Ginter framed mini-relic, 2021; #MFR-TG
This was an eBay purchase that arrived in the first few days of 2022.
Card Number 911: Allen & Ginter framed mini-relic, 2021; #MFR-TG
Way back in June 2020, I blogged about a card that I really liked, a die-cut Pacific Crown Royale card. It had a special provenance because it was in a repack of baseball cards I bought at the Hall of Fame.
Well, anyway, that card has been joined by another die-cut crown card now.
Card Number 910: Pacific Crown Royale, 1999; #119
Some oddball cards today. And I mean, literally, some oddball cards today.
Card Number 907: US Playing Card Company Baseball Major League All-Stars, 1990; #NNO (Jack of Diamonds)
Here's a 'back to base' post, as I have acquired a run of Tony's base cards from the Skybox range called 'Metal Universe'. These were once high end cards sold by the Fleer Skybox conglomerate. There are probably people who love these cards. I find Skybox cards are almost always off-kilter in some respect, usually odd word choices (like on this insert card!) and sometimes the overall concept is uncanny.
Metal Universe cards are all super-shiny so I had to use my overhead scanner on them.
Card Number 903: Skybox Metal Universe, 1996; #235
I realise it has been several weeks since I last blogged some cards. I have had my evenings occupied with other things so have neglected this a little. However, here we are in 2022. I have added a few cards to the collection while the blog has been on hiatus, so the number of cards waiting to be blogged has increased. (And I feel the pressure!)
I hope to get back to blogging regularly before the month is out. Meanwhile, here are some "Invincible" cards because we want to feel positive about the new year and invincibility is just positivity set to maximum!
Card Number 901: Pacific Invincible, 1998; #139
Card Number 902: Pacific Invincible Reyes del Diamante, 2000; #25
A variant on the phrase 'Diamond King'. I'm surprised DonRuss let Pacific get away with that!
There were 30 Kings of the Diamond in this insert series, and a further 20 Diamond Aces who were all pitchers. Although they look like playing cards, they all have the same value so would be rubbish for actually playing card games.
The back is done to look like a playing card. Apart from the tell-tale player name!
Total: 902 cards